Monday, November 5, 2012


The energy of surrender accomplishes much more than the energy of control.
When we are surrendered, the feelings of calm and peace.....breathing deeply, present in the moment........we see clearly and our vision extends beyond self, allowing us to see the bigger picture.  The great irony is that attempting to control things actually makes us feel less in control.
How does the process of surrender play out in pregnancy and motherhood?

Photo by Wanda June Koch Photography

During Pregnancy...

For many women, the onset of pregnancy invites a host of new issues to adapt and surrender to such as: overwhelming fatigue, nausea, vomiting, sore breasts and mood swings.  Many monumental changes are happening in a pregnant woman’s body and life.
As pregnancy progresses and the mother-to-be continues to adapt to this new role and body, new opportunities (i.e. and aches and pains) arise and offer the mother a chance to explore how she can learn to stop fighting these changes ,and simply surrender to them.
Learning to surrender allows us space to enjoy the mysterious ride of pregnancy.  

During Labor...
Most of the time, our first response to pain, whether it be physical or emotional, is to avoid it or lift away from it.  We usually tighten up our body and mind. This actually leads to more discomfort since it restricts blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. But learning to move with the contraction or discomfort and finding tools to surrender to the sensation or situation usually brings some relief and makes the experience more tolerable.… just let your body lead the way.

In Motherhood...
Motherhood seems to be a road full of opportunities to learn to surrender to the circumstances that are presented in front of us. Our best efforts may not go over as well as planned and rarely do we really ever have true control over anyone other then ourselves. We cannot control the situation presented to us, but we can choose how we react to it.  If we can learn to surrender to the smaller obstacles in life, like a yoga pose, I believe it will be easier to then digest the bigger challenges in life.
We cannot find perfection in pregnancy, birth, or motherhood.  But we can find the place of surrender that leads us to peace with our circumstances.  Through yoga, we flex the muscles of surrender and it becomes a stronger part of our being.  A regular practice spills over into our everyday lives......first trimester fatigue, the final weeks of waiting for birth, sleepless nights with a new baby, the challenges of an energetic toddler......we release our need to control what we cannot and embrace the beauty of acceptance.  We learn to breathe, to ground move with grace over our own bodies and hearts, and extend that grace to those around us.  This is the beauty that is surrender. 



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