Saturday, November 24, 2012


Prenatal Yoga teacher training through CFYC gives an opportunity to learn more about the journey of yoga and how this beautiful practice can ease and empower women through this life-changing event.

This training will give yoga teachers and birthing professionals tools and techniques that will assist moms-to-be in their journey.
Module One Teacher Training
This 35 hour prenatal training is open to all health professionals, childbirth educators, doulas, and yoga teachers interested in offering a mind-body approach to pregnancy, birth and parenting preparation.
It is also open to pregnant women... however teaching certification will not be given.

Module One 35 Hour teacher training includes

Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy and Birth
Appropriate Asanas (Poses) and Pranayama (Breathwork)
Class observation and sequencing
Childbirth Preparation Exercises
Contraindicated poses
Exploration of the emotional and physical changes in all 3 trimesters of pregnancy.
What poses are beneficial and what poses should be avoided during later pregnancy.

*All students will be required to participate in three prenatal classes, observe 6 Prenatal Yoga Classes.
This 35 hour training is eligible for YA Continuing Education credits.

Registration Closes January 8th 2013

Dates For Module One

Friday Jan 18th 7:15pm -9:15pm
Saturday Jan 19th 10:00am -8:00pm
Sunday Jan 20th 0:00am -8:00pm

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