Friday, November 30, 2012



In January, CFYC will begin a postnatal series for new moms.  This is an exciting time as we look forward to meeting our new baby yogis as well as connecting with our moms.  For Meliea and Diane,  this postnatal yoga is just as important for new moms as the prenatal yoga program.  Life continues to change and evolve after pregnancy and adjusting to those changes can be difficult. 
The postnatal series gives an opportunity for new moms to connect with each other, with their post-baby body and with their baby.  
Not too long ago, a mom would have a new baby and would be surrounded by a throng of established neighbors, friends and family to shower her with food, help and wisdom.  In today's transient society, this is not common.  New moms can feel very isolated and overwhelmed when making adjustments to mommyhood.  Whether its a first baby, or a third, there is always a period of transition physically and emotionally.  The postnatal classes give moms an opportunity to understand and nurture their postpartum body, engage and connect more easily to their baby, and share experiences with each other.  It is valuable!

Week one is led by Diane Cevallos.  It is a postnatal yoga class that is just for moms.  Dads or caregivers are welcome to bring babies and spend time in our child watch room while mom is able to have some time to nurture herself and her body.  It focuses on helping moms regain strength and energy that may have been lost during pregnancy, especially in the areas of the abdomen, back and pelvic muscles.  There is also a focus on releasing tension in the shoulders and neck, a place of particular vulnerability for new moms.  Any mom who is 6 weeks postpartum and beyond may attend this class in the series.
Week two is led by Diane also and is focused on connecting with baby! Parents will learn baby yoga exercises and infant massage techniques to strengthen growing muscles, aid in digestion (colic, gas), promote better sleeping patterns, and help infants as they move toward their next stage of development.  This class is open to moms at any stage in postpartum and babies up to 5 months old.  Dads are welcome too!  
Week three is led by Meliea Holbrook, a local birth professional as well as one of our prenatal teachers.  In her midwifery studies, as well as her own postpartum recoveries, Meliea has come to appreciate the desire moms feel to "get my body back."  She will focus on realistic expectations for the "after baby" body and strengthening and toning exercises for the shoulders, abdomen and the pelvic floor.  She will also spend a little time talking about normal postpartum feelings and emotions that come with changing hormones and sleep deprivation.  This class is open to anyone who is 6 weeks postpartum and beyond.  
Finally, the postnatal Mommy and Me class, led by Diane is a great time of fun and bonding with baby.  This session will focus on strengthening the spiritual, emotional and physical bond between mommy and baby using interactive, slow-moving postures with baby as an active part of the pose. This class can help parents establish a fun and relaxing routine with their babies that they can incorporate into a daily routine.  This class is open to moms 6 week postpartum and beyond with babies up to 5 months old. 

The postnatal series is sure to be helpful to all moms whether it is the first baby or fifth!  We hope to see you there!

Diane and Meliea

P.S.  CFYC likes to keep our classes small enough to allow each mom to get the attention she needs and deserves, so space is limited . Sign up today for the entire series, or for the individual classes that fit your needs!

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