Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yogi Mom Spotlight: Lee of Loopity Lew!

If you have walked into CFYC and seen a table of earthy trinkets that immediately caught your eye or a pile of hula hoops in the corner, then you have probably seen the wares of Loopity Lew, owned by Lee Darling.  
Lee has been part of the CFYC family since we opened our doors.  This week, we would like to let our community get to know her a little better.  Lee has held fun and energetic hula hooping workshops at CFYC. She is a 200 Hour RYT through Yoga Alliance, Hoopnotica Dance & Fit, and Kids Fitness Certified. She teaches weekly Yoga classes for Elite Wellness, as well as, multiple Yoga and Fitness classes for Toddlers to Adults at Kidz Play Here in Concord. She also teaches Preschool-Kindergarten Music Classes at Countryside Montessori, where her 2 girls attend school. Starting in January 2013, she will teach the Mommy/Daddy and me Toddler Yoga on Saturday mornings at CFYC.  Lee lives in Charlotte with her wonderful husband/best friend of 11 years and her two beautiful girls ages 6 and 2. 
Lee began as a prenatal student during her most recent pregnancy. Her beautiful belly AND baby can be seen in CFYC’s prenatal photos! On taking prenatal yoga, she explains, “The community feel was huge for me. I looked forward to sharing my day or week with others, and then getting to listen to what others were experiencing as well."   She has also recently taken our CFYC Prenatal Teacher Training.  She shared with me a little about what led her to that training: "I found yoga during my first pregnancy over 7 years ago and knew it was meant to be. I found Diane with my second pregnancy and through her prenatal classes I found a sense of peace and strength to let go of things I could not control. I feel very connected to the prenatal teachings and practice.”   Through her business and through yoga, she enjoys learning about and sharing different ways to promote and balance a healthy body and mind in organic and natural ways.

Her business was born in its own “organic” way.  Her baby began teething and she went in search of an amber necklace for her.  About the same time, she discovered the art of hula hooping.  Her creative energy felt drawn to making the hoops and the jewelry and a business was born…..Loopity Lew.  Why Loopity Lew?  Says Lee, “My nickname, and preferred name honestly, is "Lew", and Loopity seemed to fit in with my energy and the practice of (hula) hooping.”

Each of Loopity Lew’s products help to create “beautiful energy,”  whether it’s the healing energy of dancing with a hoop or by wearing healing jewelry such as amber, sandalwood or other chakra balancing gems. 
Lee’s plans for her business are to continue to build her website and keep sharing the benefits of natural healing jewelry and hooping through workshops, trunk shows and private appointments where clients can see and touch the products. You can find Loopity Lew on Facebook, or on the internet at 

Thank you Lee for being a part of Charlotte Family Yoga Prenatal and for inspiring us share healing with our community!

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