Friday, November 30, 2012



In January, CFYC will begin a postnatal series for new moms.  This is an exciting time as we look forward to meeting our new baby yogis as well as connecting with our moms.  For Meliea and Diane,  this postnatal yoga is just as important for new moms as the prenatal yoga program.  Life continues to change and evolve after pregnancy and adjusting to those changes can be difficult. 
The postnatal series gives an opportunity for new moms to connect with each other, with their post-baby body and with their baby.  
Not too long ago, a mom would have a new baby and would be surrounded by a throng of established neighbors, friends and family to shower her with food, help and wisdom.  In today's transient society, this is not common.  New moms can feel very isolated and overwhelmed when making adjustments to mommyhood.  Whether its a first baby, or a third, there is always a period of transition physically and emotionally.  The postnatal classes give moms an opportunity to understand and nurture their postpartum body, engage and connect more easily to their baby, and share experiences with each other.  It is valuable!

Week one is led by Diane Cevallos.  It is a postnatal yoga class that is just for moms.  Dads or caregivers are welcome to bring babies and spend time in our child watch room while mom is able to have some time to nurture herself and her body.  It focuses on helping moms regain strength and energy that may have been lost during pregnancy, especially in the areas of the abdomen, back and pelvic muscles.  There is also a focus on releasing tension in the shoulders and neck, a place of particular vulnerability for new moms.  Any mom who is 6 weeks postpartum and beyond may attend this class in the series.
Week two is led by Diane also and is focused on connecting with baby! Parents will learn baby yoga exercises and infant massage techniques to strengthen growing muscles, aid in digestion (colic, gas), promote better sleeping patterns, and help infants as they move toward their next stage of development.  This class is open to moms at any stage in postpartum and babies up to 5 months old.  Dads are welcome too!  
Week three is led by Meliea Holbrook, a local birth professional as well as one of our prenatal teachers.  In her midwifery studies, as well as her own postpartum recoveries, Meliea has come to appreciate the desire moms feel to "get my body back."  She will focus on realistic expectations for the "after baby" body and strengthening and toning exercises for the shoulders, abdomen and the pelvic floor.  She will also spend a little time talking about normal postpartum feelings and emotions that come with changing hormones and sleep deprivation.  This class is open to anyone who is 6 weeks postpartum and beyond.  
Finally, the postnatal Mommy and Me class, led by Diane is a great time of fun and bonding with baby.  This session will focus on strengthening the spiritual, emotional and physical bond between mommy and baby using interactive, slow-moving postures with baby as an active part of the pose. This class can help parents establish a fun and relaxing routine with their babies that they can incorporate into a daily routine.  This class is open to moms 6 week postpartum and beyond with babies up to 5 months old. 

The postnatal series is sure to be helpful to all moms whether it is the first baby or fifth!  We hope to see you there!

Diane and Meliea

P.S.  CFYC likes to keep our classes small enough to allow each mom to get the attention she needs and deserves, so space is limited . Sign up today for the entire series, or for the individual classes that fit your needs!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Prenatal Yoga teacher training through CFYC gives an opportunity to learn more about the journey of yoga and how this beautiful practice can ease and empower women through this life-changing event.

This training will give yoga teachers and birthing professionals tools and techniques that will assist moms-to-be in their journey.
Module One Teacher Training
This 35 hour prenatal training is open to all health professionals, childbirth educators, doulas, and yoga teachers interested in offering a mind-body approach to pregnancy, birth and parenting preparation.
It is also open to pregnant women... however teaching certification will not be given.

Module One 35 Hour teacher training includes

Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy and Birth
Appropriate Asanas (Poses) and Pranayama (Breathwork)
Class observation and sequencing
Childbirth Preparation Exercises
Contraindicated poses
Exploration of the emotional and physical changes in all 3 trimesters of pregnancy.
What poses are beneficial and what poses should be avoided during later pregnancy.

*All students will be required to participate in three prenatal classes, observe 6 Prenatal Yoga Classes.
This 35 hour training is eligible for YA Continuing Education credits.

Registration Closes January 8th 2013

Dates For Module One

Friday Jan 18th 7:15pm -9:15pm
Saturday Jan 19th 10:00am -8:00pm
Sunday Jan 20th 0:00am -8:00pm

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I had the privilege of being part of Kathy's birth.  It was truly as amazing as it sounds.  The video will inspire and encourage moms in waiting!  Enjoy.....and Happy Thanksgiving CFYC Prenatal!  ~Meliea
"It was November 23, the day before Thanksgiving, and I was one week overdue.  My parents had been in town for 5 days and everybody was very anxious and ready to meet this bundle of joy.  I had an appointment with my midwife that day in Statesville to have an ultrasound and do a stress test.  I had been having irregular light contractions on and off all day.  My husband and I made the trek to Statesville from Charlotte.  Did I mention it was the day before Thanksgiving?  Needless to say we made a mental decision that we were not coming back to Charlotte without a baby.   
The traffic was bumper to bumper from Statesville south to Charlotte.  My appointment went well, I was 3 cm dilated and the baby looked great.  I was still having contractions on and off, so we decided to go find a park and walk around.  Like I said there was no way I could go back to Charlotte in that traffic.  After driving around a bit and searching for a park we finally found a small one with a graveyard next to it.  We walked around the graveyard looked at names on tombstones, hoping we wouldn’t find a name we liked better than the ones we had already picked out.  I swung on the swings and than relaxed in the sun.  My contractions were becoming more regular, but still very weak.  We finally decided around 5PM to head back to the birth center for a check in.  My contractions were starting to pick up and I was 4 cm dilated, so I called my birth photographer and my family and had them come. My mother and father came with my two daughters, equipped with DVD’s, books,  PJ’s  and lovey’s.  I think we spoke too soon or the baby was a little camera shy.   
By 10 PM things were not picking up and had even started to stall.  We decided to give it another half hour and than everyone would head home if there was no progress.  As we expected no change, I was at 4-5 cm and my contractions were very irregular.  So they left the water in the birthing pool and by 11PM, I was back in the car and heading to Charlotte.  With a quick stop at the Waffle House for a bite to eat and some pretty intense contractions I thought for sure I would be back in Statesville before the morning.   
Boy was I disappointed when I woke up the next morning on my own, not from the pain of contractions.  It was now Thanksgiving morning, 8 days after my due date and I was not going to think about having a baby.  It is the one day I did not want to drag people away from their families.  Besides my midwife had to be at Concord Mills at midnight for Black Friday shopping(we joked about this throughout the evening the night before) J.  I was having no contractions and felt great.  
 My dear friend Lori invited us all over for turkey day dinner.  She insisted on moving the dinner up to 2PM from 4PM.  I told her she was crazy, I would not be going into labor.  We arrived for dinner a little before 2 PM.  I stepped out of the car and BAM, my water broke (No it was not like the movies, I didn’t have a puddle under my feet).  I ate a wonderful dinner and did not tell my hosts until after the meal.  As contractions started I decided to text my midwives and birth photographer.  By 4PM things were getting more intense.  By the time we made arrangements for my two daughters to have a sleepover (we decided they did not need to come with us again) it was close to 5PM.  We hopped in the car and drove north.  It was definitely the real thing this time.  I was checked at 5:45PM and was dilated to 6 cm.  The contractions were getting really intense and there were no comfortable positions.  I sat on the birthing ball as long as I could while my husband pushed his palms in the base of my spine to try to relieve the back pain and I was using my yoga breath.  I had not decided if I wanted to give birth in the pool or not, but I wanted to labor in it.  The pool water could not get warm fast enough.  I was ready to get in the deep water and do what I had been practicing in prenatal yoga for 9 months, squat.  I birthed my first two in the position, so assumed I would do it again.  So with my husband breaking his back from leaning over to give me counter pressure and my mother holding my wrists the contractions started to come one after the other.  I whined, I cried (not from the pain), I cursed and finally said I am not having pressure like I did with my first two.  How will I know when I need to push, (as I started spontaneously bearing down).  They all looked at me, chuckled quietly and said, “you will know”. 

CLICK HERE to see a photo montage of Kathy's birth. 
As I was expressing my fear of pooping in the tub, I decided to give it my all and push this baby out.  I did give it my all and pushed the head out and expected the baby to just glide right out.  Oh no. I was very surprised when my midwives looked at me and said, “You have to wait for the next contraction to push the shoulders out."  WHAT??? Having had hospital births with my first two, once the head was out the doctor or midwife helped glide the body of the baby the rest of the way.  I didn’t realize that when you give birth in water, no one touches the baby until it is completely out. It felt like an eternity before that next contraction.  The amazing part and what makes you realize what a natural process birth is, is that the baby was rotating on its own without anyone touching it (at this point we still don’t know if the baby is a girl or a boy).  I couldn’t see it, but my midwives and husband all got to witness this amazing change.  I finally pushed the shoulders out and reached down and grabbed my baby.  There it was...was it Beck or Brooke?  We had been waiting 9 months to know…It was BROOKE, Brooke Aster  to be precise.  At 7:40PM on November 24, 2011 I became the mother of three... yes I said three girls.  I held her close to my chest and they helped me out of the pool to the bed where we could get warm and deliver my placenta.  It was such an amazing experience, even the part when my midwife showed me the placenta and explained the different parts of it.  Brooke weighed in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long.  I couldn’t believe how great I felt and how much energy I still had (and how I really wished I had Thanksgiving dinner leftovers at home).  By 10PM we were packing Brooke up and finally heading back to Charlotte with a baby.  
And yes, my midwife made it to Concord Mills for Black Friday shopping at midnight.  
I could not have had such a quick and problem free labor without preparing my body for this marathon the entire 9 months I was pregnant.  Prenatal yoga helped strengthen and stretch my muscles, taught me how to breathe from the pelvis and how to take my mind away and not focus on the pain.  Practicing prenatal yoga is one of the best gifts you can give your baby before they are born."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yogi Mom Spotlight: Lee of Loopity Lew!

If you have walked into CFYC and seen a table of earthy trinkets that immediately caught your eye or a pile of hula hoops in the corner, then you have probably seen the wares of Loopity Lew, owned by Lee Darling.  
Lee has been part of the CFYC family since we opened our doors.  This week, we would like to let our community get to know her a little better.  Lee has held fun and energetic hula hooping workshops at CFYC. She is a 200 Hour RYT through Yoga Alliance, Hoopnotica Dance & Fit, and Kids Fitness Certified. She teaches weekly Yoga classes for Elite Wellness, as well as, multiple Yoga and Fitness classes for Toddlers to Adults at Kidz Play Here in Concord. She also teaches Preschool-Kindergarten Music Classes at Countryside Montessori, where her 2 girls attend school. Starting in January 2013, she will teach the Mommy/Daddy and me Toddler Yoga on Saturday mornings at CFYC.  Lee lives in Charlotte with her wonderful husband/best friend of 11 years and her two beautiful girls ages 6 and 2. 
Lee began as a prenatal student during her most recent pregnancy. Her beautiful belly AND baby can be seen in CFYC’s prenatal photos! On taking prenatal yoga, she explains, “The community feel was huge for me. I looked forward to sharing my day or week with others, and then getting to listen to what others were experiencing as well."   She has also recently taken our CFYC Prenatal Teacher Training.  She shared with me a little about what led her to that training: "I found yoga during my first pregnancy over 7 years ago and knew it was meant to be. I found Diane with my second pregnancy and through her prenatal classes I found a sense of peace and strength to let go of things I could not control. I feel very connected to the prenatal teachings and practice.”   Through her business and through yoga, she enjoys learning about and sharing different ways to promote and balance a healthy body and mind in organic and natural ways.

Her business was born in its own “organic” way.  Her baby began teething and she went in search of an amber necklace for her.  About the same time, she discovered the art of hula hooping.  Her creative energy felt drawn to making the hoops and the jewelry and a business was born…..Loopity Lew.  Why Loopity Lew?  Says Lee, “My nickname, and preferred name honestly, is "Lew", and Loopity seemed to fit in with my energy and the practice of (hula) hooping.”

Each of Loopity Lew’s products help to create “beautiful energy,”  whether it’s the healing energy of dancing with a hoop or by wearing healing jewelry such as amber, sandalwood or other chakra balancing gems. 
Lee’s plans for her business are to continue to build her website and keep sharing the benefits of natural healing jewelry and hooping through workshops, trunk shows and private appointments where clients can see and touch the products. You can find Loopity Lew on Facebook, or on the internet at 

Thank you Lee for being a part of Charlotte Family Yoga Prenatal and for inspiring us share healing with our community!

Monday, November 5, 2012


The energy of surrender accomplishes much more than the energy of control.
When we are surrendered, the feelings of calm and peace.....breathing deeply, present in the moment........we see clearly and our vision extends beyond self, allowing us to see the bigger picture.  The great irony is that attempting to control things actually makes us feel less in control.
How does the process of surrender play out in pregnancy and motherhood?

Photo by Wanda June Koch Photography

During Pregnancy...

For many women, the onset of pregnancy invites a host of new issues to adapt and surrender to such as: overwhelming fatigue, nausea, vomiting, sore breasts and mood swings.  Many monumental changes are happening in a pregnant woman’s body and life.
As pregnancy progresses and the mother-to-be continues to adapt to this new role and body, new opportunities (i.e. and aches and pains) arise and offer the mother a chance to explore how she can learn to stop fighting these changes ,and simply surrender to them.
Learning to surrender allows us space to enjoy the mysterious ride of pregnancy.  

During Labor...
Most of the time, our first response to pain, whether it be physical or emotional, is to avoid it or lift away from it.  We usually tighten up our body and mind. This actually leads to more discomfort since it restricts blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. But learning to move with the contraction or discomfort and finding tools to surrender to the sensation or situation usually brings some relief and makes the experience more tolerable.… just let your body lead the way.

In Motherhood...
Motherhood seems to be a road full of opportunities to learn to surrender to the circumstances that are presented in front of us. Our best efforts may not go over as well as planned and rarely do we really ever have true control over anyone other then ourselves. We cannot control the situation presented to us, but we can choose how we react to it.  If we can learn to surrender to the smaller obstacles in life, like a yoga pose, I believe it will be easier to then digest the bigger challenges in life.
We cannot find perfection in pregnancy, birth, or motherhood.  But we can find the place of surrender that leads us to peace with our circumstances.  Through yoga, we flex the muscles of surrender and it becomes a stronger part of our being.  A regular practice spills over into our everyday lives......first trimester fatigue, the final weeks of waiting for birth, sleepless nights with a new baby, the challenges of an energetic toddler......we release our need to control what we cannot and embrace the beauty of acceptance.  We learn to breathe, to ground move with grace over our own bodies and hearts, and extend that grace to those around us.  This is the beauty that is surrender. 

