Sunday, October 21, 2012

A New Adventure Begins!

Welcome to your Charlotte Family Yoga Center Prenatal community blog!  We hope that you will find that it is a source of valuable information, inspiration and support.  As teachers at CFYC, we hope to provide you more than just a yoga class....we want to create a sense of community and camaraderie for each and every mother who shares the mat with us. 

One year ago, Diane Cevallos' dream of having a yoga studio sprouted wings and took flight.  From the very beginning, she set out to create not only a premier yoga studio, but also a platinum standard prenatal program.  Her vision for prenatal yoga stepped beyond the standard of providing a safe and sound class for expectant moms....this vision included bringing mothers together and providing a place of safety and support for their souls as well.
Photo by Donamari D'Andrea, Capture Fotography

Pregnancy is one of the times in a woman's life where a plethora of emotions are felt and expressed.  In our current society, where it is no longer common to still live in the place that you grew up, expectant moms can find themselves disconnected from the friends that they grew up with....the very friends they dreamed of sharing the adventures of motherhood with.  This is creating a sense of isolation for mothers and can be connected to our current rates of postpartum depression.  While we at CFYC realize that we cannot change the world, we believe we can produce change in our own community by helping mothers interact and share with each other. 

One way of doing this is by having a time of sharing at the beginning of each class, where a mom can introduce herself and share her pregnancy experiences with the other moms if she desires to.   We believe this time is a valuable tool to connect with the mothers who trust us to be a part of their most incredible journey, and to connect with each other in a safe community where friendships can be formed. 

The second component to Diane's vision is exceptional prenatal instructors.  Instructors at CFYC must attend specific training to teach prenatal classes that includes not only how to instruct a safe yoga class, but also how to appreciate the pregnant body and be familiar with the community birth options.  Most importantly, each instructor who teaches here must have the heart vision that it is a privilege to be invited into a woman's sacred journey toward birth.  We honor each woman's choices and experiences and seek to support and empower her in the process of becoming a mother.  We believe that pregnancy is a normal process, not a disease, and that the benefits of yoga are for the mind as well as the body.  Though we may not be physically present at our students births, we hope that our empowering words as well as the body/breath awareness created by our sequence of poses becomes very apparent during labor, delivery and recovery. 

Lastly, we believe in providing education and support for our students.  We do this through our share time in class, our Facebook page,  our workshops and through this blog.  Follow us here for informative articles, thoughts from our instructors,  and incredible birth stories from our students.  We are excited to be part of a community of incredible families.  Thank you for the trust and support that you have given us over the past year and we look forward to enhancing that support and sense of community as we move forward into our second year!


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